You can't throw it away! Shenkursk's electrical junk will be sent for recycling! - ARCTIC VTORMET

You can’t throw it away! Shenkursk’s electrical junk will be sent for recycling!

Arcticvtormet company continues to move towards a bright future, where there is no place for electrical equipment in Arkhangelsk region landfills. This time the eco-team travelled to Shenkursk, where they collected from the population electrical equipment that has served its time or simply outdated.

The aim of the action, which took place in the Shenkursk district on 23 July, was not only to collect as much «electrical junk» as possible, but also to communicate with the local population on the topic of ecology. In Arkhangelsk more and more recyclable waste collection points are appearing, while in settlements and villages the population is ready to separate waste, but there are problems with its delivery.

It is important to know that as of 1 March 2022, an order of the Ministry of Natural Resources came into force, which prohibits throwing any household and computer equipment into waste containers. This type of waste must be disposed of correctly! All electrical equipment collected by Arcticvtormet will be sent for recycling!

Arcticvtormet would like to thank every resident of the Shenkursky District who took part in the campaign, as well as the Administration of the Shenkursky Municipal District and the municipal administration for their help in organising the campaign.
