Arcticvtormet told young Severodvinsk residents about the proper disposal of electrical appliances

Arcticvtormet Company returned to Severodvinsk schools with lessons in the sphere of environmental education. This time representatives of the company visited school No. 6 and told about the proper use and, most importantly, about the proper disposal of electrical appliances. The schoolchildren were also shown old electrical appliances received at the «electrical waste» collection events.
— We hold classes with primary school classes. In order not to bore the children, the information is presented in a simple, playful form. The lessons are interactive and all the children actively participate. This time our classes were attended by about 120 children. At the end of the lesson we gave each class a certificate for participation in the study of ways to ensure environmental safety. It seems to us that such classes with «school guests» are well remembered by the children, and they are even more imbued with the ideas of ecological way of life, — commented the representative of Arcticvtormet company.
Arcticvtormet invites all educational institutions of Arkhangelsk region to co-operate in the sphere of environmental education.