Arcticvtormet company continues to support environmental projects of initiative residents of Arkhangelsk region.

Arcticvtormet company continues to support environmental projects of initiative residents of Arkhangelsk region.
Over the last month Arcticvtormet as a partner participated in various actions of the environmental movement «Start with yourself, Pomorie!»:
1) The company transported 4 cubic metres of blisters to the point of sending them for recycling to «NEC» — National Ecological Company. There, the multilayer blisters will be recycled into waste paper, granulated plastic and aluminium powderboard.
2) Transported another batch of Tetra Pak to Velsk. Approximately 300 kg left this time, and in total more than a tonne of Tetra Pak did not get to the landfills of Arkhangelsk region and will be recycled correctly thanks to the joint work of eco-activists and Arcticvtormet company! By the end of the year it is planned to make at least two more such eco-trips to Velsart.
3) Participated in the «Autumn Electrical Collection-2023». One tonne of electrical waste was collected and delivered by volunteers to Arcticvtormet collection points in Arkhangelsk, Sevodvinsk and Novodvinsk. In the nearest future all recyclable materials will be dismantled into component parts for further utilisation.
4) All tin cans received from «Ecogarage» were sold and the result of the project «Kind cans» for the year was summed up: the company’s employees managed to prevent 150 thousand tin cans or 100 cubic metres of cans or 10 «Kamaz» trucks loaded with cans «with a slide» from ending up in the landfill. We have 50.000 RUB in our project piggy bank.
Let’s make Arkhangelsk region cleaner and safer together!