What do the Sevendvinsk Museum and Arcticvtormet have in common?

On the 26th of November Sevendvinsk Local History Museum together with Arcticvtormet Company opened the exposition «Priceless Gift». The exhibition is fully dedicated to the history of the creation of the Svedvinskiy museum. The exposition included more than 80 antique items from the 19th century to the 90s of the 20th century. A large number of exhibits was provided by Arcticvtormet company, and it is very symbolic, as the history of the city museum also began with the private collection of patron of the arts, local historian Alexander Patokin.
«All the items that we provided for the exhibition were handed over by the residents of Arkhangelsk region to our scrap metal collection points, but our staff did not have the heart to send them for recycling. We have already organised a travelling exposition of our museum at the festival «21st Century Woodcutter», as well as an online exhibition at the «Night of Museums» in 2022. Today, thanks to the responsive staff of the Sevendvinsk Local History Museum, who supported our initiative, we present our exhibits to a wide audience» — commented the event representative of Arcticvtormet Gashev Alexander.
The exposition «Priceless Gift» will run at least until mid-January 2024 and will become an important event for everyone who is interested in history and appreciates unique ancient artefacts.
Address of the museum: Severodvinsk, Pionerskaya Street, 10. Phone number for enquiries: 8(8184)56-86-98