Arcticvtormet cleaned up the Chukotka Peninsula - ARCTIC VTORMET

Arcticvtormet cleaned up the Chukotka Peninsula

Arcticvtormet continues to participate in the Clean Arctic project. Last weekend the company’s employees together with local residents cleaned up the territory of Pevek (Chukotka Autonomous District). The rubbish that had been accumulating for decades was removed! The city became cleaner and safer!

Details in the video story of Pevek TV studio:

Arcticvtormet representatives commented on the past action within the framework of the Clean Arctic project:

— Participation in such events for Arcticvtormet is first of all a matter of responsibility. Responsibility to the region where we work. You may have heard that recently the news about the rescue of a young polar bear cub was broadcast on all federal channels. She had a tin can stuck in her mouth. The animal, listed in the Russian and international Red Book, was on the verge of death. Why did this happen? Simply because someone irresponsible threw out rubbish in a place not intended for this purpose, and someone did not clean up this rubbish. So sooner or later these situations happen. Animals suffer, the earth is poisoned by metal decay products. This should not be allowed. And we in Pevek have the necessary equipment and company employees who are happy to help. It is important for us to participate in such events, because we care about this place.
