Arcticvtormet and not indifferent northerners cleaned up the coast of Chukotka - ARCTIC VTORMET

Arcticvtormet and not indifferent northerners cleaned up the coast of Chukotka

On 5 June, a team from Arcticvtormet, a Severodvinsk-based company operating in Pevek (Chukotka Autonomous District), took part in the federal project «Clean Arctic». The subbotnik was timed to coincide with World Environment Day and Ecologist’s Day.

Arcticvtormet participated in this important environmental event together with the family (ancestral) community «Sopka» and not indifferent residents of the city. As a result — cleanliness and order of the coastal area «spit». This place is often visited by tourists and guests of the city, as well as in the summer period Pevek residents like to spend time here.

Plastic is the main type of pollution of the coastal zone. But scrap metal and rubber tyres are also a big problem.

Such clean-up days are regularly organised throughout the summer period, and Arcticvtormet employees are very happy to participate and help make the town where they work cleaner and safer».

